Last week of the Clean Eating challenge

Hey challenger,

We came to the last week of the challenge. I truly hope you have learned and got some of the information to keep you going. By completing the challenge you should be able to continue your own path to the “better” lifestyle. But. Although there is the last week of the challenge ahead of us, doesn’t mean I am leaving you as well. Not at all, more the opposite. I would like you to join me further. I will keep you updated with new recipes, which are delicious, easy to make and what matters the most – healthy.

The road to healthy lifestyle is quite simple:

  1. Eat healthy about 80% of the time
  2. Take care of sporting, 20′ a day
  3. Make small steps every single day



Keep that list “Clean Eating list” by your side when shopping and you’ll be just fine. Don’t limit yourself too much, but as well don’t ruin what you’ve been building up by turning cheat meal into cheat week! Prepare meals up front, bring them to work to avoid over eating in the evening or grabbing an unhealthy snack. You’ll be fine! Just keep on going! 😉


Healthy progress is the one that takes time for changes to be adjusted. Don’t rush. There is no magical pill and there is no shortcut. At least not that one that will work forever. By taking small steps will make it easier on you, less stressful and the best result at the end. So, don’t give up!


And here it is…the last brochure of the Challenge. Click here to download your own.


And again – I am not leaving you & I would love to see you joining me further. Together we can do it! I promise I will continue supplying you with great recipes keep you motivated and who knows, we just might meet again on our next challenge? 😉


You can join me anytime on hastags: #babeonarun, #babeonarunchallenge, #babeonaruncleaneating, #babeonarunselfie, #babeonarunsokayliart


By seeing you progressing, motivates me on this road as well.


Lots of Love,me



Babe on a Run

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