
Let’s face it, we all have bad days and days when everything goes wrong. As an addicted sporty person I had some times a day, that I came to the gym, started with a warm up on the indoor bike and I was totally without the mood for sporting. After couple of minutes lazy cycling I though at myself: “What the heck I am even doing inhere? Don’t I feel and see that today it’s just not the day?” and I left the bike and also the gym. Here, I am guilty.

But this is something that happens to anyone, it’s human not to be in a mood, it’s human to have a bad or lazy day, BUT not all the time! You are not going to use this as an excuse! Like I said, it can happen occasionally – don’t confuse it with laziness!


To help ourselves when we feel like this is good to visit Mr. Google. Type in sport motivations and you should get inspired. What might works for you, doesn’t necessary works for somebody else. But at least by looking “who I want to be” will turn you away from bad snacking and of skipping that day sporting dose.


So, very often it helps if we work in teams. By motivating and supporting each other brings us closer to the goals. And this is what is all about. We are here to reach our goals together.

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