Morning ritual

Finding the right way to start the morning can make our day so much better. It all depends on a thoughts we create and habits we have before going to work. If we’re able to change that or build it in a way that would fit our lifestyle than we won. There is nothing better than starting our day energized, motivated and completely woken up.


Here are 3 important tips to achieve that:


  1. Wake up on time


Make enough time to be able to have breakfast and a cup of tea or coffee. Green or herbal tea is a great start of a day for you and for your belly. Eat breakfast. You should know by now how important is to eat breakfast – if you don’t have the habit to do so, it’s now about time to get used to it. Breakfast is important and a must! If you’re running our of ideas what to eat – check my recipes.

No excuses that it’s too early, once you learn to do it and becomes your habit, wont be difficult anymore. It’s something you own to yourself.


  1. Minutes of silence (energy load)


When awake and time for breakfast – take it in silence – so, no TV, no radio, no noise. While eating try to think about how relaxed you are, how you’re slowly waking up, how you feel your energy going through your body.


  1. “Walk” through your day


Think about things you have to do, if they’re too many, write them down, make yourself a checklist. That helps to empty your head of worries of not forgetting something.

And don’t worry about things that are about to happen – it wont make it any better and it wont change a thing.


These are just 3 simple tips of starting a day. The worst thing you can do is to start checking social media before you even brush your teeth – leave that aside for later, when you’re awake.


My day starts with 1 or 2 snoozes, while brushing my teeth I am boiling water for tea and then is dress up and make up time. While being busy and searching clothes I want to wear I am slowly sipping a cup of tea. As soon as I get to our shop I prepare my breakfast Oat meal bowl, let it soak for a while and prepare the things that need to be prepared first at the shop. So I kind of make it to my breakfast an hour after I am awake. Not ideal, but at the moment fits to the lifestyle I am running.


Have you ever thought of how is your day starting? Do you like it?


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