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What exactly is lifestyle? Well, everyone has it! Is the way you live. The way you combine your sleeping time, working time, time at home, eating habits, activities…it is style you have created over the years.
You might like it, you might don’t and you’re trying to do something about it or even worse, you don’t like it, but you also don’t do anything for it to change. Or maybe you are one of those millions who knows that there are things that you could improve, but you’re simply ignoring them.

Well I have to admit it. To understand food and eating habits it’s not easy. Especially now a days when there is so much information about it, everywhere you look – internet, magazines, tv, flyers, shops…everywhere! While one diet crosses certain food off their list with an excuse “it’s not good for a human being” it is a “must” on a list of the other, so no wonder we are so confused. But at the end of the path, we all need to find our own way, because we are all unique when it comes to the daily needs.

All these information you can find all over…we became obsessed with calorie counting, with limiting us with certain food, with “according” to media ideal bodies etc. While we’re looking for alternatives, solutions, sweating our asses at the gym, counting calories, reading labels at the shops, reading and following so called “media rules” we’re forgetting to LIVE! We live for this moment, we need to enjoy THIS time, we need to start enjoying the life! I am not saying we should ignore everything we hear, but I am saying that we should really start taking care of ourselves. STOP limiting yourself and reset your mind set.


Yesterday I had a quite late breakfast. And that was because I finally had a free day after a couple of weeks. Being an owner of a shop can exhaust you and your energy is very important. When awake I…

There are few items you should always have on stock. And these are: Group One: -       frozen berries -       coconut oil -       date syrup, agave syrup, honey -       cinnamon, 5 spice, Speculaas spices -       pure cacao powder -       nuts…

Let’s face it, we all have bad days and days when everything goes wrong. As an addicted sporty person I had some times a day, that I came to the gym, started with a warm up on the indoor bike…

There are anti-sport people, randomly active people, professionals and those like me sport addicted people. I know I am not doing everything the way I should, but I will try my best to work hard on it, for myself and…

Once a traveler – always a traveler. Once you get the chance to visit other places you’re hooked! You will wanted it more and more...experiencing other places, meeting other people, getting to known with other cultures. Eating different food, local…